May30a2014 123D Make description

home 3D print laser cutter
  The resulting model was exported from 123D Make to the ancient Wavefront OBJ format. Wavefront Technologies itself is long-gone, but the format lives on, as it is a simple text description that covers many basic mesh and rendering effects. The model is displayed using three.js.

An interesting feature of three.js, and all JavaScript programs in general, is that they are visible to the user. Instead of programs being compiled into binaries and the program's working being hidden from view, anyone can view any JavaScript code they are running in their browser. You can try it yourself on the Chrome browser: go back to the 123D Make model view and press F12. A debugging interface appears at the bottom of the screen and allows you to view code, set breaks, examine variables, etc. Press F12 again to toggle off the debugger.

This ability to examine code and see how it works is a great advantage for educators. Students world-wide can be taught programming on any desktop or laptop computer without concern about operating system or download installation.

123D Make